Meaning cap and trade
What does cap and trade mean? Here you find 8 meanings of the word cap and trade. You can also add a definition of cap and trade yourself


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cap and trade

system for reducing air pollution by placing limits on how much companies can pollute without having to pay for it.


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cap and trade

A policy that seeks to limit pollution. Under a cap-and-trade program, a company gets an emissions permit for every ton of carbon dioxide that it releases. Companies that produce fewer emissions can t [..]


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cap and trade

Large-scale emitter's of CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions will have a limit ("cap") on the amount of emisisons they are permitted. Emitters who reduce their emissions below their allowed limits can sell ('trade") their extra emitting capacity to the less efficient emitters.
Source: (offline)


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cap and trade

This is a policy that seeks to limit pollution. Under a cap-and-trade program, a company gets an emissions permit for every ton of carbon dioxide that it releases. Companies that produce fewer emissio [..]


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cap and trade

A system of reducing airborne pollutants from large stationary sources (such as power plants, factories, and refineries) using market forces. Each facility has a limit placed on the amount of a particular pollutant it can release—the cap. Sources that emit less than the cap can sell the extra allowances to those not able to achieve reductions as ea [..]
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cap and trade

A system where the government sets a limit on how much of a pollutant may be emitted. It then sells the rights to emit that pollutant to companies, known as carbon credits, and allows them to trade the credits with other companies. The EU has implemented a cap and trade program for carbon dioxide.
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cap and trade

a policy where a regulatory or international body sets a limit (i.e.the cap) on the amount of pollution (e.g. GHGs) that can be emitted in a certain period by certain entities (depending on the body these entities might represent industrial sectors or a group of nations). The cap is divided into permits for the right to a small part of the capped p [..]
Source: (offline)


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cap and trade

Government regulations that set a maximum limit (cap) on the carbon dioxide and other gas emissions that can be emitted by a specific facility, such as a power plant. The government issues credits tha [..]

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